Tuesday, October 21, 2008

New Pets

This is kitty, who has no name. Someone dropped him off, and his sister,too. Sis is all gray, and very skittish. Won't come near anyone. There was a black one also, but haven't seen it in ages.

Be my friend. But if he scratches you, it gets infected.

Pet me.

Maybe I'll stay outside.... here birdy, birdy.. Elaine just hung the new birdfeeders for the coming winter season. Wonder how long it will take the birds to find them.

Hi! I'm Bodacious. I, too, was dropped off out here in the country. I'm living with Eric, but I'm going to stay outside. I'm trying real hard to learn not to jump on people.

His left ear doesn't go up straight, like Tazz's ear. Gives him more personality.

He really is a sweetie.


Unknown said...

I like the new pets. No one could be as sweet as tazz!!! I could just be biased though.

Poirier Family said...

I can't beleive people would just drop off such cute pets. Good thing there are people like you around.