Friday, May 28, 2010

Fowler's Interiors

We left the Airstream here all winter, and when we picked it up, it was all new inside. New upholstry, drapes, mini-blinds, etc, etc. Beautiful!!!

Sure looks like it won't fit thru the path of trees, but it does... just!

Woodpeckers and Beavers!!

Look what some woodpecker has done to a tree at Goo's!!

These woodpecker holes were in a tree at Presque Isle, Erie, PA

The rest of these are beaver markings on Presque Isle

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Will Spring ever come to Northeast Ohio??

Ice Waves on Lake Erie from Highland Beach

Needed a picture of Washington School before it's torn down. It is empty now.... I attended here from K thru 3rd grade.

Ice, or rather, wade-ers...fishermen. Toooo cold! Even if it was almost 50!

Late afternoon on Lake Erie at Presque Isle, PA

My mantle in Egyptian Mode.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Our Snowfall!

This was taken last fall, see the 3 rails on the fence?

Now there are only 2, and the snow is all the way up to the bottom of the second rail.

Another view in the summer.

Again, the deep snow. Someone said they had 40 inches, but it wasn't really that much. The huge piles in the large parking lots are at least 15 feet high. I really should get a picture of that, sometime.

A rare picture of me... wearing my new hat.

The bird feeders at Goo's

Gotta dress warm to feed the birds... no not the dog. He did get a treat, tho. Naturally.

Notice how deep the snow is on the base of the feeders.